Christ Centered. Kingdom Conscious.
From the Headmaster

Sheridan Hills Christian School has been an important part of my life. I spent four years as a student at SHCS and graduated with the class of 1993. I was mentored by Christian teachers who poured into my life both academically and spiritually. I discovered firsthand the importance of a Christian education and its valuable role in a child’s formative years.
Today we serve the local community as a Classical Christian School bringing the best of traditional methods while challenging our students with 21st century skills. Our highly qualified faculty and staff are committed to the ministry of Christian education. Our relationship with Sheridan Hills Baptist Church strengthens our goal to be Christ Centered, Kingdom Conscious.
I encourage you to visit our campus and see if Sheridan Hills Christian School is the best fit for your child.
In Christ,
Eric Spee, Headmaster
The SHCS Administration provides leadership for our school community. Each individual brings educational qualifications and significant experience into their role.
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14

Angie Fertil
Assistant Head of
Upper School